
Friday, January 30, 2009

NOT Running...

for TN Governor is Lincoln Davis, Congressman from the 4th District and newly-appointed member of the Appropriations Committee.

Running for U.S. Senate in KY is Lt. Governor Dan Mongiardo -- who barely lost to Jim Bunning in 2004. "Dr. Dan" should be the early frontrunner, but Attorney General Jack Conway and Congressman Ben Chandler are both considering the race.

RE: the stimulus package. The package should spend -- it should create jobs by funding projects -- building schools and roads are the two most urgent needs. When you build schools, you create jobs, provide an investment that will benefit a community, and free up local funds to preserve teaching and other staff positions.

Roads help attract jobs to communities while creating jobs as they are being built.

So, spend more on projects like these ... and less on other social agenda items ... and less on tax cuts. Writing every American taxpayer a $10,000 check is not a bad idea, either.

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