
Thursday, December 3, 2009

Ward's Out


After careful consideration and consultation with my wife Shelley, I wanted to let you know that I am discontinuing immediately my candidacy for Governor of Tennessee.

Your support in this period of political rigidity afforded my start. Thank you. I was the first Democratic candidate to enter the race, to speak at every opportunity throughout the state and the only candidate overall and thus far to set forth a specific, detailed, written plan for the state.

One year ago I entered this race to address our economic challenges of spending our money against ourselves. We source our energy from other states, constricting job growth and impeding technological progress while perpetuating damage to health and environment. Our K-12 education system loses about one-third of students while seeking self-validation and more funding. Two-thirds of our healthcare expenditures emanate from self-inflicted disease, which can be attributed to food sourcing and quality, while ignoring local and organic initiatives, branding and pricing opportunities for our 500,000 local farmers and distributors. We are a tourism state, yet mountain top removal is legal, and we lack a bottle-bill. Plus, we are a primary trans-shipment leader, but we ignore high-speed rail initiatives emerging in states surrounding us that would significantly complement tourism, build revenues and create jobs.

Traveling across the state, speaking to, and meeting with thousands of Tennesseans convinced me further of our acute challenges and the urgency of aligning our assets with our opportunities. Despite significant personal time, money and appeal of my vision for the state, long-standing political alliances proved impenetrable and fund raising ground to a halt, effectively ending the campaign.

Meanwhile, the world economy moves on and other states become increasingly strategic. With one year until our 2010 general election, I will return to private business. I will spend time with my family. I will remain active. Although I have not had a political career, I urge anyone who perceives a calling or the need to jump in and run. I am glad I did. I am grateful to you for helping. I look forward to seeing you soon. In the meantime, many, MANY thanks.



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